Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Welcome to We The People Blog

The blog has been created to express views from indipendent voters about US Politics and how it could be improved to represent the will of the people as it was designed by the founding fathers in 1776.

These days there is a lot of rage and disappointment about the way politics is being done in the US and the world.

The common grief is that the interests of the people are being sacrificed on the altar of greed and profit in favour of a few. This is not what the constitution of the US proclaims.

The US should be a land of opportunity where the pursuit of happiness is a right of every American as stated in the constitution.

Since 98% of the people living in the US are barely making ends meet and the 1% that is rich is getting richer by the minute something needs to change so the interest of the 98% Americans (We The People) are properly represented.

One idea would be to limit government roles only to US citizens that make less than 100K $ per year, furthermore the ones elected into office should not profit from serving the people, they should be audited for 15-20 years after their office has completed by a non partisan government office (similar to the Budget Review Office run by Professor Roubini) so they cannot leverage their influence after covering government roles.

The idea behind this proposal is the following:

The US is a land of opportunity and ingenuity should be rewarded. Money can make life easier, it is also unjust because capitalism is based on "have" and "have not" where the "have" people try to get more and more and the "have not" are taken away more and more. The disequality is not conforming to the base principle of the constitution. When the government is practically run by corporations and very rich people the interest that is ultimately preserved are the ones of the 1% with a lot of money, not the ones of the 98% that live normal lives.

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